The following speakers are available to speak in church, at special events, to pastor groups, women’s groups, and community groups. All are faithful bond servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.  They are driven to see revival in our nation in tune with cultural issues, and are ambassadors of Biblical Truth sharing hope, love and a message of encouragement.

Dran Reese / President of The Salt & Light Council

It would be an honor to meet you face to faith and address your organization.  It would be my sincerest desire to inspire each one to become more competent, more courageous and more in love with Jesus. As the President of The Salt & Light Council, we speak regularly on Biblical Citizenship offering practical steps anyone can do to preserve our Christian Heritage, including understanding our religious liberties and why involvement in the mission field of government is key. As a bond servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, my personal journey  from adversity to victory, from rags to riches, from Saul to Paul, from complacency to fully motivated is a message that can be tailored to fit either a pastors network, women’s group, business organization or ministry. My personal motto: “ I do all I can with all I have all the time – All for the King!” My life scripture verses are Ezekiel 33:7-9, Hebrews 11:8, Isaiah 52:12, Isaiah 54:2-5, James 4:17, Mark 6:50

Gail Levin / Director of The Salt & Light Council

“Words matter. They motivate, encourage, inspire, and through Jesus Christ, they change destinies. Our nation is in desperate need of hearing what God has to say. We will seek Him together to learn how we got to where we now find ourselves, and to discover, uncover and recover His purpose and plan. One of my life verses: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them – Ephesians 2:10 (NKJV). Ready? Let’s get started!”


National conference call for the upcoming elections with Dran Reese, President of the Salt and Light Council in California. During this call we will be discussing our individual role and responsibility in the upcoming 2016 elections and how each vote represents a voice that will impact our nations destiny for generations to come. We’ll take a look at what the Democrat and Republican platform’s represent and why that could or could not influence your vote. We’ll also discuss the Electoral Vote process how it works and why it matters. Time permitting we’ll look at California’s Ballot Propositions.  Our nation needs prayer, the church needs prayer, and the candidates at every level need your prayers. We’ll also have a Q&A time providing you the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers to areas you may be looking for further clarity on. We’re honored to have Dran Reese, President of The Salt and Light Council, with us on October 24th.


Invite one of our speakers to come share the vision “How to be Salt & Light to Preserve our Christian Heritage” and we guarantee that your congregation will be energized and ready to get involved!

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