TOPIC: Pastor responses to the recent SCOTUS decision on marriage

Franklin Graham blasts Obama for ‘gay marriage’ ruling

“God will judge him and us as a nation if we don’t repent. “
— Franklin Graham


“We Will Not Bow”

Pastor John MacArthur

“America, Will You Stand?”

Pastor Gary Hamrick

“A Future And A Hope”

Pastor Jim Garlow

“What We Need Now”

Pastor Chris Clark

“What Now For The Church”

Pastor Jack L. Martin Sr.

“When God Turns Up The Heat”

Pastor Steve Wagner


“On Christian Disobedience”

Pastor Douglas Wilson

“It’s Evening In Sodom”

Pastor Steve Berger

“Supreme Abomination”

Pastor Sam Adams

“The Miracle Of Marriage Hasn’t Changed”

Pastor Jim Reed

“Biblical Perspective – SCOTUS Decision” 

Dr. Les Heinze

“What’s Next For Marriage”

Pastor Joey Faust