Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries in Action!  Hear their own exciting words of encouragement.

Tree of Life Messianic Jewish Congregation, La Mesa, CA

Tree of Life Messianic Congregation

“Our Salt & Light ministry is called: “Sounding the Shofar!” because this is what we are called to do in this day and season. It is taken from Isaiah 58:1[CJB], “Shout out loud! Don’t hold back! Raise your voice like a shofar!…”. One voice at a time, we are sounding the shofar to awaken this generation to return to the Biblical foundations that we, as a nation, have abandoned.” 

– Darlene Watson, Salt & Light Leader

Sonrise Community Church, Santee, CA

Sonrise Community Church

The Salt & Light Program has been very successful at Sonrise Church. We’re educating our group with videos and CDs, and we’re writing postcards to government officials every month. We have a table set up in the church lobby one Sunday a month to keep our congregation informed. Our pastor has been very receptive and supportive, and church members thank me for keeping them informed on important issues. I highly recommend this program to any church.

– Buck Matoushek

Mission Valley Christian Fellowship Church, San Diego, CA

Mission Valley Community Fellowship

In one year, our Salt & Light Ministry has accomplished more than we thought was possible. We held nine monthly meetings for education, discussion, and prayer for our country, leaders and pastors. Each meeting resulted in prayer and action.

We hosted tables at three services each Sunday for fourteen weeks to make our congregation aware of issues affecting our church, values and families. Each of these Sunday tables initiated some form of tangible action.

We registered over a hundred voters, passed out thousands of information bulletins, gathered thousands and thousands of signatures for initiatives supporting a Biblical position, generated newsletters and created several Post Card Campaigns generating thousands of responses to our elected officials.

Our most impressive Post Card Campaign focused on saving Israel’s borders. Our pastor, Leo Giovinetti, talked about this campaign on his daily Real Life Radio show, and what happened was beyond our dreams but within the realm of supernatural prayer. Pastor Leo was asked to also guest-host the Bible Answer show for two weeks, expanding his audience to hundreds of more stations world-wide. So, every day, Pastor Leo was able to get our message out about this Post Card Campaign for Israel. We generated thousands more post cards than we thought possible, and our Congress and Senate agreed to de-fund the Palestinians if they went before the UN to threaten Israel’s borders. It was humbling to have physical evidence that with GOD anything is possible.

We will continue holding our monthly prayer meetings as we explore and support the freedom of religion, right to life, importance of marriage and family while continuing to educate Christians on how politics is affecting and impacting the church, both positively and negatively. We will continue education to refine the Salt and Light process and establish training for those who want to serve their community in an elected capacity with a Biblical worldview.

– Donna and Woody Woodrum, Salt and Light Coordinators

Horizon Christian Fellowship, Main Campus, San Diego, CA

Horizon Christian Fellowship

The Salt & Light Council has been a blessing to our ministry. They provide informative monthly newsletters that summarize important state and national issues. Just as significantly, included in the newsletters are examples of clear and direct action that can be taken to influence those issues.

The monthly meetings are important as well, because that’s where Salt and Light leaders from many churches are able to meet and discuss strategies and tactics that have proven fruitful in their ministries. Learning from the success of others is one of the key ways to improve and grow.

The Council also has a wide-ranging library of DVD’s on many topics that are available for use by Salt and Light ministries. In addition, they host presentations by nationally-recognized authors and ministry leaders that offer practical advice on strengthening our local ministries.

The Salt & Light Council has been instrumental in the development of our ministry and we encourage everyone who is serious about changing society to reflect biblical values to become involved as well.

– Jim D., Salt & Light Leader


Heidi and Frank P. –  Indiana 

Our Salt & Light Council attended a rally to protect the Brookville, Indiana Courthouse Nativity. Four years ago, an atheist group from Wisconsin filed suit against the nativity. Rev. Rob, along with other area pastors, shared the gospel, led music, and boldly stood for our right to display the nativity at the Courthouse.  Thank you for the shout out endorsement for Salt & Light Council by Pastor Rob Edwards, from the Buena Vista Southern Baptist Church in Laurel.

Susan R. – Oklahoma

Thanks to the hard work you do at S&L, we have material for everyone and know to contact those in our congregation who are out there in the trenches to keep THEM posted. They in turn can send back information for us to communicate.  Great plans you started. Thank you for blessing us!

Bambi S. – Indiana

It has been such a privilege to attend the eight week Biblical Sexual Ethics Workshops you offered. My family and I have been enlightened and encouraged to stand strong against the devil’s tactics to destroy our culture. The information presented was perfectly timed for such a time as this. I can’t wait to see how God intends to use it in our lives for His glory. 

Phillis S. – Kansas

It was a pleasure connecting with you as well. I so appreciate what you all are doing. It is exactly what God has put on my heart and have been working toward for years. Looking forward to all your email and resources to focus our efforts to glory God through Christian involvement in God’s institution of government.   

Sean B – Camarillo

Our Pastor from First Baptist Church continues to give us full support with the Salt & Light pulpit announcements, bulletin announcements, e-mail announcements, and table petitions. Our S & L team is operating like a “well-oiled machine”, with each member faithfully dedicated to completing his task so that Salt & Light Sunday happens graciously.

John B – Georgia

We had a very successful launch of our Salt & Light Ministry at Abilene Baptist Church Sunday past.  We have 60 new members on our email list to receive updates on the issues during the month.  Our table was swamped with information seekers from both services. I have received several phone calls and emails from new members expressing their gratitude and the need for this ministry.  Many share our passion for the lost and for the peril our culture faces.  

Woody and Donna W. – California

We registered over a hundred voters, passed out thousands of information bulletins, gathered thousands and thousands of signatures for initiatives supporting a Biblical position, generated newsletters and created several Post Card Campaigns generating thousands of responses to our elected officials.   We will continue education to refine the Salt and Light process and establish training for those who want to serve their community in an elected capacity from a Biblical World View.

Ruth Ann D. – California

Pastor Chris really went into the concert and the Marriage Bow campaign and she especially liked the post cards.  I had 2000 post cards printed and used only the back that said, “We love all people, and support God’s Design for Marriage”.  I had many people that completed the post cards and returned them so I can mail them.  I have been at a band concert this afternoon so I haven’t counted the cards yet.  

Dama C – Oregon

Pastor Mark’s support from the pulpit made all the difference.  We grouped 9 cards together, stamped them, and folded the Justice’s address sheet around them.   This positive reception was exactly what we needed.  Justin and I were both so encouraged.  We got more folks signed up and ran out of signup sheets.  Very positive comments from the congregation, associate pastor and worship pastor.  We learned today how we can be more effective the next time we have the table!

Jannai Pero – California

“Now we’re going to school board meetings because now we have a fight on our hands. They’re trying to remove the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, so we’re working on that. And it’s kind of exciting because a lot of Christians are getting involved. They’re upset about this issue and they’re showing up at meetings…there was really a huge turnout.”

Laura Forester – Florida

“We just ended the legislative session here in FL, and S&L was very active in … praying for the legislature on Tuesday mornings, and we were also there where we defeated a bill that was in committee that was called the Competitive Workforce Act and it basically was trying to get public accommodation under the 1964 Civil Rights Act for LGBT’s. … We had a tie vote, which made it not come out of committee, and so the bill died and we were a success.”

Barry Webster – Florida

Our sister church started a Salt & Light ministry. We held a joint meeting and prayer walk before Franklin Graham came to Tallahassee with the Decision Tour. Close to 50 people from our church showed up. God answered prayer! We are working with the Florida Policy Council on pro-family days.